In an auction, many people come to participate, and many come to enjoy the bidding and to see who wins the maximum things and who bear a loss for a risky bid. Generally, on the auction site chaos is a common thing because the auction master shouts to make the bid maximum while the participants shout to bag the deal.
To get rid of these things, a silent auction is the only way where participants place their bids through a sheet, and no one shouts there. To arrange such auction you need to have some silent auction bidding sheets so that you can channel the whole process through the silent bidding system. Here we will discuss the silent auction sheets and the features of a standard silent auction sheet.
The designs of the forms of the silent auctions are really straightforward and what you need is just a few columns for filling up the details. Here are some details which should be mentioned on the sheet-
- Name of the bidder
- The bid amount
- Contact details of the bidder (phone number and email and physical address of auction.
The structures of the silent auction sheets can be different, and the basic designs also can be different from each other. To use the sheet according to your requirement you may need to do some edits, that’s all.
We have provided some fresh silent auction sheets. Some of these are easily editable and some are ready to use. You can ask anything about the edits of these sheets.
Features of a standard auction bid sheet-
- Always make sure that there are spaces for enough information.
- Print maximum numbers of the sheets because one may need more than one sheet.
- Try to reduce the size of the paper and fit something more important by deleting some columns.
Free Printable Silent Auction Bid Sheet
#1 Besides providing just sufficient information regarding the bid as well as item to maintain it pertinent, this particular layout showcases the regular 3 various columns- name, telephone number and email, as well as proposal amount which bidders are to fill for the auction.
#2 Rather than utilizing names to gather the bids, this type merely makes use of a Bidder Number. Each bidder has their own private number and also can identify themselves later, need to they so choose. Otherwise, this creates an, even more, private thing.
#3 It has 2 columns, one for the bidder number and one for the prospective buyer quantity, as well as it maximizes area by including 2 sets of columns on the same sheet. It is maybe among the most reliable silent auction kinds on this page.
#4 Featuring two columns, one for the name of the bidder and one for the bid amount, this specific template is one of the most efficient out there. Straight as well as to the point, this proposal sheet also has a variety of meta-elements that help your potential buyers tp gain buyers of the product, the beginning proposal, and the necessary increments.
#5 By positioning the public auction data on the very first web page and not including it in the succeeding ones, there will be more area for bids on the adhering to pages. Including three columns, one for the prospective buyer’s name or code, one for their code number, as well as one for the bid, this proposal would certainly be the excellent template.
So, here we presented you with some Silent Auction Bidding Sheet that you can use for free. If you have anything to ask, drop in a comment below.